
The Road to Ubuweb

I heard on the radio, an interview with a writer about his book, Uncreative Writing.
Kenneth Goldsmith on To The Best of Our Knowledge

It was very interesting.  So I ordered the book.
Uncreative Writing

And referred to it on this blog.
Isn't It Time I Posted Something to My Blog?

And proposed to teach a class by the same name.
Renaissance High School

In uncreative writing class, to begin a discussion of juxtaposition, I showed this video of Kenneth Goldsmith reading at the White House.  I thought the students would be really into it but all they noticed was his paisley suit and how he was always moving his legs around when he read.
Brooklyn Bridge Triptych

As a way to further our discussion of movement and sound composition in a different class, I showed this video of Mark Applebaum performing Aphasia. One girl said that if that was her dad, she would be really embarrassed.  Another student wanted to know what year this was made since the guy's clothes are so out of style.
Mark Applebaum's Aphasia

When I came home from class I tried to find the video of a different performance art piece that the students might like better, one Mark Applebaum refers to in the TED talk where I first learned about him.
The Mad Scientist of Music

I never did find a link to the performance art piece, but rather got distracted by a sidebar link in which Mr. Goldsmith cuts off a rambling introduction to try to convince the audience to let him talk about ubuweb instead of uncreative writing because ubuweb is so much bigger and more interesting. He is unsuccessful.
Kenneth Goldsmith in Zagreb

So, I search ubuweb and find this video.
Kenneth Goldsmith's "A Brief History of Ubuweb"

Which leads to my first random listen on ubuweb:
Anna Akhmatova

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